
On your way home from work you notice a music advertisement on a bus which reminds you of a movie you saw recently with a good friend of yours. You think about that amazing trip with you friend 6 month ago to brazil. You make a mental note that you really need to lookup brazillian music online when you get home. At home on your laptop your personalized shopping site remindes you that they are finally coming out with that new video game you always wanted, that makes you pre-order that game immediately. ...

Suggestive thinking and seemingly random decision making, mostly much more complex and interwoven, happens all the time and plays an important role in our life. That was the inspiration for the konnexion project. It is connecting webservices (machine to machine communication, see wikipedia definition) in a semi random way. Web services are available from google, amazon, ebay, weather, criminal statistics services, satelite pictures just to mention a few. The final application will run on a slow schedule, issuing a call every other minute and will attempt to run as long as possible without any interruption, hereby generating a stream of information. Artists and Developers are invited to create visual applications from the data konnexion is generating.

Konnexion is an open source project and is implemented using java and webservices. It is approached in phases from a simple fixed prototype to the fully flexible application. Contributors are more then welcome to participate. Here is a list of free/opensource software we use.

The development blog contains all updates, prototypes and inspirations.

Konnexion was founded and is maintained by Stan Michael Wiechers.